Sit back and let 


assess your risks!

fuzzyrisk provides tools and employ risk assessment methodologies to estimate earthquake risk and consequential damage and losses of your building. To get started, let’s figure out the earthquake hazard around you, which is the first step toward earthquake risk assessment.



Several built-in functions, geo spatial datasets, and automated algorithms for hazard and risk assesment engines are incorporated to make risk analysis easy for wide range of users.

It is designed to address variety of needs for insurance companies, design firms, portfolio managers, government sectors, critical facilities and real state industry.


Our results are verified against theoretical, numerical and available historical risk data.

While it is a building-specific risk platform, several AI-based models make rapid and high-resolution risk assessment possible.


Our strong research group work continoously to keep our platform aligned with the most recent technology.

Our team work closely with several federal, local and private agencies to build the most comprehensive dataset available in the market.